This volume has attempted to provide new insight into Iran with regard to the international system. It has also exhibited esoteric properties of the country that are often elusive from mainstream media attention. At times, little known or promoted features can contradict the irrational image of the country that is commonly portrayed to some members of the international community. Regardless of such depictions, however, Iran is indeed an enigma and will remain such for some time. Given the numerous caveats and complexities of the state, there is constant societal movement and structuring taking place, which contributes to increasing difficulty in comprehending the country. Nevertheless, one aim of this book has been to create a more balanced understanding of Iran and offer readers a perspective that cultivates such a view. Of course, establishing common ground and an element of understanding can contribute to proliferating productive engagements between Iran and other members of the international system, including those that have had strained relations with the country in the past.