The United Kingdom has one of the most regulated broadcasting environments in the world. The British Broadcasting Corporation (the BBC) self-regulates through its Board of Governors. The Independent Television Commission (the ITC) grants licenses to, and regulates, the commercial television sector, including satellite-delivered services. The Broadcasting Standards Commission 1 (the BSC) acts as an independent body, established by statute, to consider complaints from the public on the issue of standards in broadcasting (such as the portrayal of violence, of sex and of matters of taste and decency, including bad language, stereotyping, and areas such as the treatment of disasters), and to consider complaints and offer redress on the question of unfair or unjust treatment in programs and unwarranted infringements of privacy. In addition, the BSC must monitor program content and may undertake research into all the areas within its remit, which covers all television, radio, cable, and satellite services.