This first chapter identifies major resources for research on mass communications in general. More importantly it includes selected standard general resources that place media in a larger context. Among the most useful general works is Balay’s 11th ed. of the standard GUIDE TO REFERENCE BOOKS (0001). Likewise, we have identified several electronic services recently made widely available in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) bibliographic utility as well as by newer service providers, like GaleNet. We are also pleased to provide information about the electronic index, COMINDEX (0033), published by Communication Institute for Online Scholarship, which surely represents one of the first attempts in the United States to make the literature of mass communications more readily accessible. Likewise, COMMSEARCH95 (0034) offers an expanded CD-ROM replication of Matlon and Ortiz’s 4th ed. of INDEX TO JOURNALS IN COMMUNICATION STUDIES THROUGH 1990, published by the Speech Communication Association.