LEAH (slight pause). - I could never take him back, but all this reminds me of an idea I used to have about him that . well, it'll sound mystical and silly . . . [TOM. Please. I'd love to understand him.] Well ... it's that he wants so much; like a kid at a fair; a jelly apple here, a cotton candy there, and then a ride on a loopthe-loop ... and it never lets up in him; and sometimes it almost seemed as though he'd lived once before, another life that was completely deprived, and this time around he mustn't miss a single thing . And that's what's so attractive about him - to women, I mean - Lyman's mind is up your

skirt but it's such a rare thing to be wanted like that - indifference is what most men feel now - I mean they have appetite but not hunger - and here is such a splendidly hungry man and it's simply . .. well . .. precious once you're past twenty-five . I tell you the truth, somewhere deep down I think I sensed something about him wasn't on the level, but ... I guess I must have loved him so much that I . . . (Breaks off.) - But I mustn't talk this way; he's unforgiveable! It's the rottenest thing I've ever heard of! The answer is no, absolutely not!