This essay examines the ways in which racism and sexism have energized the use of

American Indian imagery in sport. Specifically, it concentrates on the development and defence of Native American sports mascots, detailing the importance of crises within hegemonic formulations of masculinity and their relationships with the valuation of

women, the reinscription of racial privilege and the maintenance of tradition. It begins with a discussion of the history and significance of Native American sports mascots,

before considering the importance of gender to their emergence and elaboration. On this foundation, it offers a critical reading of one strand of neo-conservative thought intent on

retaining stereotypical renderings of indigenous peoples in association with sports. In particular, it interprets writings of Dave Shiflett, Richard Poe and David Yeagley as

emblematic of the uses of racial and gender differences in the unfolding mascot controversy at the start of the twenty-first century. In conclusion, it outlines the implications of placing gender and its articulation with race at discussion of American

Indian imagery in sport.