The general population usually views governments, specifically public services and civil servants, in a negative light (Goodsell 1985; Van de Walle and Bouckaert 2003). Popular explanations for this distrust point to a lack of communication by the government and to the malfunctioning of the government machinery. However, an in-depth research on the government’s image (Ringeling 1993) shows that the negative image has not so much to do with the government’s performances, but rather with the way citizens evaluate the government (focusing on negative aspects, unjust comparisons with the business sector, and high expectations). This is linked with the role and the impact of the media. Most citizens have limited encounters with the government, which makes media coverage a main source of information. The media is also often blamed for being a main source sustaining the negative, stereotypical image of the government (Lichter et al. 1999; Council for Excellence in Government 2001).