There is a common belief that proper pronunciation is an indispensable part of successful communication, which refl ects an important current direction of teaching foreign languages in schools. The ultimate goal of language learning in most cases is communication, both written and oral; however, many language teachers often neglect or are forced to neglect pronunciation throughout the entire teaching process. One of the reasons for this is certainly lack of time, resulting from a focus on grammar and lexical aspects of teaching English more than on its pronunciation. It may also be the case that less experienced teachers, who show a great interest in this subject, prioritize their aims in such a way that grammar and vocabulary remain at the top of their agenda. As a result, although pronunciation receives interest both on the part of the teacher and the learner, it is often neglected due to the stated reasons. Furthermore, there is no denying that teachers often lack proper preparation for teaching pronunciation and do not take any measures to receive extra training in this fi eld.