Goodman and Goodman present a model of reading that extends to the many different literacies in our lives and the lives of our students. Even though their model originates in the twentieth century, it serves us well as literacy learning is expanded and redefined in the twenty-first century. Since their model is comprehensive and involves readers actively constructing meaning, we refer to it as Goodman 2.0, using a metaphor from the development of the World Wide Web. When the web was first available, it was a one-way communication in that people could read the sites that others created. There could be email between people, but that involved one person writing, another reading and responding, that second person sending their thoughts back, and so on. Meaning was like a tennis match in which individuals put their own spins on each ball. Web 2.0 is much more interactive, involves active collaboration, is multimodal, and deals with critical issues. Goodman 2.0 parallels this in that the reading process remains the same fundamental way of dealing with text. There is still one reading process, although texts are now multimodal and increasingly complex, composed by, for, and with others, and have different conventions than those found on the printed page. Reading in the twenty-first century is still reading and it is enhanced by the multiplicity of options now available for those privileged enough to have access.