It is the purpose of this chapter to demonstrate that neutralizing principal stereotypes and myths often held by the Western world of African and Asian cultures is an effective way to create normal human communication. What often goes for effective communication in the West is a linear, rational, militaristic approach to human relations that does not allow ambiguity and non-linearity. In fact, it seeks success and achievement of effect that serve as codes for conquest. One example of this is the emphasis on persuasion in the Western academy, particularly by those who advance communication as a theory of human relations. Over the past forty years in the United States, for example, more books and articles have been written about persuasion than about intercultural communication largely because the avenue to successful communication was through the media of selling products. Capitalism carried with it the attendant tactical and strategic ideologies for complete commodification of human relations. In addition, the commodification itself was burdened with Western stereotypes that diverted attention from the commonality of humanity. By neutralizing these tendencies for asserting stereotypes and advancing the commodification of human relationships the communicator can transform communication into a mutually satisfying experience.