The Japanese artst Katsuhro Yamaguch has drawn connec-tons between the Truss Wall House and a project from some thrty years earler that was never realsed (Yamaguch, 1993). Ths project was called The Endless House. The archtect Frederck Kesler worked on t for much of the last twenty years of hs lfe. (He was born n 1890 and ded n 1965). When, n 1961, a lady called Mary Ssler, from Florda, expressed nterest n Kesler’s project, the desgn of the house was developed to a state n whch t mght have been bult but nothng came of t. Durng the years Kesler worked on

The project for The Endless House emerged out of a collaboraton between Kesler and some of the Surrealst artsts, especally Marcel Duchamp. In 1947 Kesler desgned two exhbtons: Blood Flames at the Hugo Gallery n New York; and the Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme held at the Maeght Gallery n Pars. Two years later, n a then new archtectural magazne called L’Architecture d’Aujourd’ hui, he publshed hs own manfesto – ‘Manifeste du Corréalisme’. Kesler’s Correalsm was somethng of a reacton aganst Surrealsm’s mmerson n the psychologcal realm of dreams. Kesler

T W E N T Y B U I L D I N G S e v e r y a r c h i t e c t s h o u l d u n d e r s t a n d

dstnct enttes… as suggested by, for example, the Bblcal story of Adam and Eve’s evcton from the Garden of Eden) but part of an ntegrated system, and that archtecture should reflect ths.