Bruner (1987) proposed that as human beings we construct ourselves auto - biographically and he asked us to give no less importance to narratives than we do to other representations of experience. Dhunpath (2000) proposes a new paradigm for research in education with the increasing use of narrative approaches and names this a ‘narradigm’. In this chapter I draw on a child’s and a mother’s narratives of learning to explore experiences of learning mathematics in and out of school in the context of a minority ethnic, multilingual family in a UK city. Part of this piece of research involves an interweaving of my own story as a researcher investigating others’ learning lives, as I acknow - ledge Squire’s (2008:16) observation that stories emerge from interactions between storyteller and listener and researcher and research participant. I also acknowledge Kohler Riessman’s (2005) attention to the value of the researcher’s reflections on the processes involved in engaging in narrative research; following in her footsteps, part of my goal here is to produce a ‘narrative about narrative research’.