In 2008, thousands of runners lined up for a 10K race in Taipei. They also lined up in Melbourne, Istanbul, Paris, Munich and 20 other cities around the globe. They were all taking part in Nike’s ‘The Human Race’, with a focus on collective data and information sharing using the Internet. Even if you weren’t in one of the 25 cities you could still participate: by running 10 kilometres and then uploading your results via your Nike-enabled wireless shoes to Nike Plus. That day, over half a million people participated both at the race sites and virtually, together running more than 8 million kilometres! Nike describes its Nike Plus system as an innovative running experience combining music, personal coaching and fitness networking. The Nike Plus system is an iPod nano that can ‘talk’ to Nike Plus-enabled running shoes through a wireless Nike+iPod Sport Kit. As you run or walk, data on time, distance, calories burned and pace is stored on the iPod nano and then uploaded to the nikeplus.com website. Nikeplus.com provides a virtual community by allowing users to interact with one another. They can track their own data and also challenge others and participate on online forums. People can also create goals with the software, and advise friends about training goals with the system, with Nike sending an email to your listed friends informing them of your progress, good or otherwise. Nike Plus was created in 2007, and according to Nike:

in its first year, Nikeplus runners logged over 22 million miles on nikeplus.com, the equivalent of completing more than 800,000 New York City marathons and burning off the calories of more than 5 million slices of pizza … It started as a simple idea and has quickly become the world’s largest networking place for runners. Whether their goal is fitness, fun or a cause, runners of all levels are embracing nikeplus.com to become part of a global running community.