Amethyst, Inc. provides long-term alcohol, tobacco and other drug addiction treatment integrated with permanent supportive housing for women and women with dependent children in Columbus, Ohio. Amethyst combines intensive alcohol and drug treatment with mental health services, trauma counseling, health and wellness services, intensive case management, economic and educational supports, emergency baby-sitting and parenting support in a comprehensive program that assists women for up to five years. Each female-headed household resides in a fully furnished apartment located within a community of recovery. The residential units are located on the bus line and are only a few miles from the main treatment facility. Women attend programming five days per week, with the most intensive period of treatment lasting two years. On any given day Amethyst houses 100 women and between 65 to 85 children. In State Fiscal Year 2008, the average length of stay for all Amethyst participants was 19 months. The average length of stay among women with dependent children residing at Amethyst was 28 months. All women are homeless at their time of entry into Amethyst.