The fact of vast social and material differences between individuals at different strata of society necessitated the procurement of patronage for those individuals that lacked key provisions for maintaining their status or livelihood. Patronage, above all, is a system of exchange for goods and services between people who are not social equals. It is important to note that not all exchanges involve “economic” elements. Oftentimes patronage involved material support, but it also frequently involved power, protection and influence. Good patrons promote their clients’ interests. Clients, correspondingly, offer praise for their patrons, advertising their “grace” to all who would hear. In an honor-based society, such public praise is particularly significant for enhancing the reputation of the patron. Clients might provide other things as well, notably information and service to their

patrons. Clients function in the social networks of patrons to promote the interests of the patrons with those outside of the patronage network.