Michel Foucault remains one of the most influential scholars of his time. Over the course of his academic career he published numerous books, interviews, papers and lectures. Foucault did not explicitly write about sport, but his focus on the body as a site for domination and control makes his work relevant to the study of coaching and athlete development. Foucault was primarily a historian, but his interest and commitment to understanding people’s experiences led him to examine the role of the individual within force relations. To do this he tried, through his numerous projects, ‘to sketch out a history of the different ways in our culture that humans develop knowledge about themselves’ (Foucault, 1988: 17). Analyses completed included those related to madness, rationality, language, economics, sexuality, punishment and ethics. Through these studies he developed a number of concepts concerning the constitution of individuals’ subjectivities that have been used by contemporary scholars across the social sciences.