Ethics is about what actions we should take, what rules govern our conduct, what “right thing” we should do, and what we ought not to do. It is also about how we justify our actions. When making ethical decisions, couple and family therapists need well-founded reasons to support their actions. Ethics is in±uenced by scholarship and evidence and is shaped by our values, worldview, and context (Roberts & Dyers, 2004). It involves cognition and a¥ect, and a “moral sensitivity” that includes the recognition that our actions a¥ect the welfare of others (Welfel & Kitchener, 2003). Ethical standards grow out of consistent and well-founded ethical reasoning; these standards and our own morals and values need to be constantly evaluated to be sure they are based on solid reason. Clients’ values and morals also need to be clearly understood so that empowering, collaborative decisions can be made.