Briton John Heron is primarily known as the developer of the participatory research method in the social sciences called “co-operative inquiry”. In the 1970s, Heron was the founder and director of the Human Potential Research Project at the University of Surrey. Later he worked with whole-person medicine in the British Postgraduate Medical Foundation at the University of London and was the director of the International Centre for Co-operative Inquiry in Volterra in Italy. Since 2000, he has been the director of the South Pacifi c Centre for Human Inquiry in Auckland, New Zealand. In 1992, he described the theoretical basis of his understanding in the book Feeling and Personhood: Psychology in Another Key. In this book he used the area of learning as a case to illustrate his approach. The following chapter is made up of Chapter 11 and part of Chapter 12 of this book (in chapter 13 he goes on to formal learning, and in general a full understanding of his learning model implies a study of the preceding chapters).