Suicide-related crises (dealing with a suicide gesture or suicidal ideation) were two of the top four types of crisis situations encountered by a sample of school counselors (Mathai, 2002). They are also one of the most challenging and disturbing situations a school counselor ever faces, regardless of how much experience and training the counselor has. School counselors may be involved in all aspects of suicide, from prevention programs and activities to intervention with suicidal students, and unfortunately, with response services to students following a completed suicide. School counselors are important resources for students, educators, administrators, and family members who seek advice and expertise. “Counselors are on the front line for identification, prevention, intervention, and postvention of suicidal behavior. As oppressive as that may feel to counselors, it is nonetheless a fact” (Stefanowski-Harding, 1990, p. 334). The purpose of this chapter is to provide useful and current information for school counselors and counselor educators so that they might be better informed and prepared to address youth suicide.