From her earliest work bell hooks has argued that ultimately the only way to overcome “white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy” is to build carefully coalitions across the chasms that divide us from each other.2 Only by doing so can we truly begin to transform society so that all of its members are treated with justice and respect. Such a task is fraught with pitfalls, however, not the least of which is that from the outset a myriad of systemic factors collude to prevent us from recognizing the “other” across boundaries of diff erence such as race, class, and gender. Th e feminist systematic analysis hooks has developed over the decades of her writing creates a path across that borderland. By engaging in an assessment of the current state in which we fi nd ourselves, and by carefully analyzing how we got here and how we remain stuck, hooks lays the groundwork for a diff erent way of being, for a revolutionary interdependence that is profoundly spiritual and has the potential to change us from the inside out, and thus to transform the world.3 Moreover, her work provides a powerful basis for feminist liberation theologies.