In Western societies, educational policies, research, and pedagogies across a range of disciplines are increasingly being driven by ‘neoliberal globalism’, a neocolonial initiative toward deterritorialization, universalization, and monodimensional standardization (Apple, Kenway, and Singh 2005). While, on one hand, globalizing education espouses and legitimates discourses of difference in increasingly diverse schools, on the other hand, these current trends produce and sustain monocultural and acontextual educational discourses that erase difference (Apple, Kenway, and Singh 2005), and, in turn, homogenize youths’ bodies through schooling (Pinar 2004). One form of this homogenization has been large-scale obesity research interventions and preventions in schools (Flores 1995; Pangrazi 2006; Sallis, McKenzie, Alcaraz, Kolody, Faucette, and Hovell 1997).