Effective management of human resources (HRs) in foreign firms operating in emerging markets constitutes a major challenge and can be decisively beneficial to the success of investments in these markets. This chapter describes the roles played by the HR function in India centres in the same regard and highlights how the centres' HR function provides a range of services both to the units of multinational companies (MNCs) operating in India in general and at times to other parts of the world. Such information could be used to train managers for foreign assignments, to develop human resource management (HRM) policies more appropriate for their affiliates in different emerging economies and to develop multicultural teams. MNCs have the option to choose from ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric and regiocentric approaches to structure their international HRM systems. Such a background ensures that the HR manager is extremely familiar with the MNCs' HR policies and practices and in many cases, in other Asia/Pacific regional centres.