The purpose of this chapter is to describe an approach for the evaluation and ranking of tourist scenic zones in China. It is based on both quantitative and qualitative data and assessments, and the purpose is to establish classifications and rankings that can be used in tourism planning and benchmarking. The chapter begins by indicating the types of data required for this exercise and then indicates the method of constructing the index. The main purpose of this chapter is therefore methodological in that it concentrates on the means of establishing ranking patterns rather than seeking to describe the results. Within China these methodological issues are important as large numbers of classification and rating/ranking systems are used with reference to perceived international best practice and benchmarking, as indicated in other chapters of this book. The questions that thus have to be answered is the degree to which any ranking system of cities, events and scenic areas is based on good scientific assessment, thereby aiding the future development of China’s tourist infrastructure by better informing planning decisions about site investment, location synergies and promotion. Such approaches are common and represent an important component in Chinese thinking that informs policies when planning and comparing different destinations.