Today, the principal asked that I report to the library after my last period algebra class. I thought to myself, “What have I done this time? I haven’t done anything wrong in a while. Well, at least there is nothing that I think they know about.” The principal even sent a student to “make sure Malik goes directly to the library.” So, I reported to the library as told. As I entered, I noticed a couple of unfamiliar faces. First they told me, “We would like to talk to you about your mother.” I knew now that these were social workers from the bureau of child welfare. The social workers asked me, “Does your mother use drugs? Does your mother abuse you? Does your mother abuse your sister? Have you ever been molested? When was the last time you ate a meal at home?” After being

overwhelmed by the questions thrown at me, I began to cry as a sign of submission. Originally, I tried to lie, but as the questions came I could only cry.