William H. Warren Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences, Brown University, USA

Dave Lee’s great contribution to perceptual psychology has been to take James

Gibson’s conceptual insights about the information for perception and action

and to develop them theoretically. Prior to Dave’s paper in 1974, this had only

been attempted once before, by Gibson, Olum, & Rosenblatt (1955), who

formalized optic flow but did not invert the equations to derive new

informational variables. It was not until Dave published his first and most

complete description of the optic flow field (Lee, 1974, 1976) that our discipline

had a mathematical formulation of the spatiotemporal information available for

controlling behavior1. The 1974 paper can be read as the kernel for Dave’s

career, and indeed an entire field of visual-motor control, for it encompasses

initial analyses of the information for the direction of self-motion, the 3D layout

of surfaces, relative size, time-to-contact, the control of braking, and even the

notion of body-scaled information. It’s all in there.