Today, all over the planet, indigenous peoples are in trouble. From the Sami in Scandinavia, to the Amazonian tribes of the South American rainforest, to North American First Nations and Australian Aboriginals, traditional lands and lifeways are being altered in the name of economic development by non-traditional enterprises such as logging, damming, mining and various other development projects (Young 1995). Families of indigenous peoples are being disrupted, brought to settlement, made to move from traditional homelands, from the ashes of their grandfathers, from their traditional hunting grounds, from their aboriginal fishing territories. These activities are carried out without consensual agreements of the indigenous peoples and the projects are affecting social, mental, physical and emotional health (Colomeda 1996; Indian Health Service 1997; Kelm 1998; Kuletz 1998; Sandefur et al. 1996; Waldram et al. 1995; Young 1994).