Surrounded by a wall of drawings, the collector dives into one of his beloved books. He

flips through Peter’s monograph, carefully looking at each print. His eyes slowly get

tired and he puts the book back on the shelf. He stubs out the cigar, leaves the library

and quickly enters the drawing room. As the rays of sun drift through the layers of

smoke, they illuminate Zaha’s painting on the wall. The room disappears behind yet

another wall of books and floors covered with Persian rugs. In the middle of it all is a

small coffee table covered with postcards. They remind him of last night’s soirée with

Rem and Maddy and all the wonderful food, drinks and cigars! He chuckles as he puts

the postcards back in their boxes. He leaves the salon and descends into the foyer. He

grabs his raincoat and locks the front door behind him.