Almost 20 years ago, we were in the final stages of our 5-year Phase III study testing the efficacy of our computerized aphasia treatment protocol. At that time, I was approached by one of the two editors of a new, soon-to-bereleased, journal, called Aphasiology. Dr. Code asked if I would write a “lead article for a forum” on the use of computers in aphasia therapy. The Aphasiology forum became not only a staple of that journal, but a model for others as well, and as the role of computers in rehabilitation grew, the 1986 forum articles, and the many subsequent articles on computerized treatment published in Aphasiology, helped to propel this aspect of treatment forward by offering an international platform to ask questions and discuss and debate findings. We will always be grateful to Chris for providing, at that critical time, the opportunity to discuss with our colleagues from all over the world our work and the works of others.