Since 1994, an integrated scientific, economic and media site known as ‘Berlin Adlershof – City of Science, Technology and Media’ has been undergoing construction in Berlin’s outer district Treptow. This urban development project needs a more detailed description and analysis. After all, it is the second most important project and also the largest development area in the city of Berlin. In the eastern part of the city, an inner-city brownfield and greenfield site is going to be restructured and made reusable to produce a complete city with a variety of uses. Being located within the city’s limits, this important project will offer a vast amount of industrial and office space. This transformation project not only features significant research aspects of sustainability and mixture of usage but also demonstrates an interesting characteristic relating to the decision-making process (two development bodies, a steering committee and a related discussion in the City Forum). Even though some deficiencies exist, especially with regard to the progress of development, the levelling of prices, the realization of all target uses, the profile and the image, this project is gradually becoming a favourable development.