At the time of writing, this study is not yet complete but, nevertheless, provides an example of how partnership working can bring huge additionality to a project, both in terms of resources (revenue and capital) and also expertise and knowledge. The project began with an application by NEA (National Energy Action) for Nottingham Health Authority funding which is administered through the Nottingham Health Action Group. NHAG is a multi-sector group (including local authorities, voluntary sector, and health professionals) that works strategically to promote the health of the people of Nottingham health district. It aims to tackle inequalities in health and identify and address the environmental causes of ill health. Nottingham Health District covers Broxtowe, Nottingham City, Rushcliffe, Gedling and Hucknall. NHAG has brought together a Local Agenda 21 health strategy-‘Health in your Environment’, local health priorities and Health of the Nation targets. In order to fund projects which will contribute towards its aims, a budget was established-the Health Initiatives Budget.