Most often, agencies working directly in or around the water environment, such as marine patrol, possess the necessary training to handle potential threats from the water environment. But agencies that don’t have lakes, rivers, and oceans often overlook this potential hazard to their officers. Public safety divers are often deployed in less than ideal conditions, so training must also reflect those less-than-ideal conditions. A dive operation may require a diver to respond at night, during harsh weather environments and often times under duress and pressure from loved ones and the media on scene. Many entanglement scenarios discussed would be extremely dangerous for training if conducted in an uncontrolled environment. As the team progresses in confidence and ability, more open water training can be conducted. During training, have the primary diver request assistance in different ways. The diver can call for assistance on the communication gear, use line tug signals, create a free-flow situation by using a pony bottle.