The impeccability of some human beings is one of those theological beliefs that is not explicitly stated in the Qur’ān, but that is very much related to the widely discussed concept of ‘iṣma (infallibility). By exploring Shi‘i interpretations of related verses, in this chapter I will depict the way the Qur’ān is deployed in defense of this concept. Shi’a scholars especially have explored the Qur’ān in two ways regarding this teaching: first, to deploy some verses to prove the infallibility of (1) the Prophet of Islam, (2) the Imams and (3) the other prophets; and second, to provide a solution to the verses that seem to have negated the infallibility of the prophets. In addition to describing Shi‘i exegesis, I will take into account the historical trajectories of this idea in Shi’a thought, the historical development according to which the concept and scope of ‘iṣma has expanded (to include all of their deeds and sayings in all phases of their lives), the role of Hadiths in interpreting these verses, and differences between Shi‘i and Sunni interpretations.