As a result of these investigations there are before us the following facts: — The failure of evolutionists to establish the claim that original life-germs came into existence by natural processes; their inability to show that, in the world of living things, there exists a law of development and improvement; the complete breakdown of their claim that, by natural processes, lower species of plants and animals may be transmuted into higher; the fact that in all early and late excavations and researches not one connecting link between any of the millions of different species has been found; the fact that mental science and all the physical sciences have not yet discovered a particle of evidence showing, or even suggesting, that any animal ever has reached or ever can reach a point where, 382slowly or suddenly, it can come into possession of a human soul, a human mind, or a human body; the fact that biologists, geologists and archaeologists have overwhelmingly silenced the assertion that the human race began low down and through countless ages has worked itself up to its present civilized state; the downfall of the scarecrow and utterly false though continually repeated assertion that scholarly men, men of science and the world’s great philosophers are all evolutionists; the recent abandonment of evolution by those who once held the theory and who at the present moment are making vigorous assaults upon it; the absolute incompetence of evolutionists and of “advanced theologians” to formulate any system of ethics or religion that at all approaches those made known by ancient Jewish prophets and New Testament evangelists — in view, therefore, of this majestic array of facts, need there be a moment’s hesitation in saying that the hypothesis of evolution, together with all other speculations so far as they are attached to it, new theology, higher and destructive criticism included, has collapsed beyond any hope of restoration?