This chapter claims that “fascism as global fashion” is a new type of global colonization of entire humanity. To create an alternative to this fascism as global fashion, the introduction argues for the need to create a New Enlightenment that questions the classical understanding of the Enlightenment as a purely European invention. Through the idea of multilinear history, the introduction mentions the important role of West Asian thought in the creation of the European Enlightenment. The New Global Enlightenment is based on the idea of the three waves of Universal Humanity, starting from the fifth century B.C.E. and continuing to the present era, which involves Greek philosophy, West Asian thought, Marxism and Indian revolutionary thinkers like B.R. Ambedkar and J.P. Naik and creates the possibility of a radical humanistic alternative to the decaying capitalist and imperialist order. It consequently questions the mythical supremacy of Western European and American thinking, claiming that Eurocentric and Americocentric ideologies are based on violent cosmologies of the will to imperialist power. Arguing for an internationalist model of knowledge, it recalls Marx’s idea of “human natural science”, which involves the complete humanization of all sciences and consequently society itself.