This chapter draws from feminist technoscience to situate bioinformation within contemporary debates on sexual violence and forensic commissioning. I first discuss the history of mainstream liberal feminism and the development of forensic infrastructure and technologies, contextualising different epistemic and political streams of anti-rape activism. With attention to “rape response” as a carceral logic, I consider the ways in which the sanctity of white cis womanhood is central to its articulation. This chapter then focuses specifically on the two relations of evidence and information, defined as the collection, analysis, retention, and management of bioinformation. By exploring how bodies and persons are rendered and mediated by these material-cultural practices, I make new connections between the intimacy of forensic medical examinations and the emerging data worlds of sexual violence. These data worlds are implicated in the naturalisation and normalisation of racial and sexual violence, whether through investigation, surveillance, or enforcement. In sum, this chapter raises questions about the future of feminist thought in relation to bioinformation studies, illustrating that the concentrations of knowledges surrounding sexual violence invites cross-disciplinary analysis.