Mr. Chairman, Honorable Judges, Worthy Opponent and Dear Friends All: May I say in the beginning that the only point that I can find out that my opponent made was, that evolution is only a theory. And may I answer that immediately by saying that the Genesis story is only a theory, and a much worse theory. I presented to you in my first speech the various reasons appealing to a logical mind whereby the hypothesis of evolution seems to be a more acceptable guess than the absurd, grotesque story which we find in the first chapters of Genesis. I am reminded of the story of Frederick the Great and his flute. It was said that Frederick the Great loved music, but to be strictly accurate, you should say that what Frederick the Great loved was flute music, and if you wanted to tell the actual truth, what he liked most was the music of his own flute when he played it himself. And when my worthy opponent says that the doctrine of evolution is incompatible with religion, remember that all that it means is, that it is incompatible with his religion. When he says that it is impossible to put God in nature, when he denies the possibility of an immanent God, remember that it is the transcendent God which is not there. It is impossible, of course, to put the transcendent God in nature, as I very deliberately proved.