Chapter 3 includes the legal provisions and best practices that impact the assessment and identification of students for eligibility for special education services. The role of general educators, who are often the first to identify a student who is struggling academically, is discussed. Following is the role of both general and special education teachers in the multi-factor evaluation (MFE) process that is implemented to determine whether a student is eligible for special education services. Both general and special education teachers serve on multi-disciplinary evaluation teams (MDET) that are formed to conduct MFEs. Emphasis is placed on the types of data general education teachers collect to assist in the MFE process. The other types of assessments and data collected by the MDET including special educators are also reviewed. Teams of educators determine whether students are eligible for special education, following the work of the MDET. Finally, the rights and roles of parents and students in the MFE process and on the MDET are included throughout the chapter.