The content and disposition of matters relating to gender and sexuality are vast. Vast, too, are the interests of the federal government. Ergo, sex and its manifold mysteries permeate the pages of the serial literature produced by the feds. It is with this fractured syllogism that I offer my contribution to this monographic supplement to The Serials Librarian. I have the advantage of amateur standing in this enterprise; sex is too important a topic to be left to the experts. My modest aim in these pages is to present a brief survey of subjects that have been the concern of government agencies during the last decade as described in the literature. No attempt shall be made to assay what Blake called “the lineaments of Gratified Desire” nor to compose some monumental Krafft-Ebing version of Psychopathia Sexualis Federalis. Those prone to prurience should read no further; the federal treatment of sex is, by and large, as dull as government itself.