This chapter analyses the potential of water resources and sustainability of the land use pattern in Punjab. It provides a brief description of the physiographic setting of the study area, and describes the data sources and computational methodology to estimate the groundwater supply and withdrawal in the study area. The chapter discusses estimates of the water balance in the Kapurthala block. The water balance analysis is based mainly on the evapotranspiration of pumped water and precipitation of the rainfall in the study area. The chapter also discusses some policy options to deal with the groundwater depletion along with some successful experiences. The government policy of supporting and encouraging private groundwater development was acclaimed. Supply side management includes options meant to augment groundwater recharge through mass-based and incentive-oriented groundwater-recharging activities and programmes. Empirical evidence on these issues from other regions can be a useful guide as regards the use of these policy instruments to resolve the groundwater problem in Punjab.