In this chapter, the author discusses the highlights of her life as a Cambodian dancer. The extracurricular lessons by 73-year-old Master Chea Samy signified her devotion to the preservation of classical dance — they went beyond the rudiments of dance movements and delved into the intricacies of classical dance composition. There are many facets of the author's life that are intertwined with classical dance and art: travelling, education, academic studies, political involvement, dance training, leadership training and drama as well as voice training. Reciting the 4,500 movements, the extensive vocabulary of Cambodian classical dance, was required at the beginning of every morning of practice. Besides a busy schedule at school and dance training, the author often made time at night to perform for public and cultural events as well as government functions and at embassies. Seeing her talents, the princess of Cambodia requested the author to perform solo in Chinese dance, Vietnamese dance and Indian dance.