China’s ambition to become a cyber power, declared in 2014, has led to reforms in cyber security education policy. There have been several important measures, but more time will be needed for them to have much effect. The challenges for the country are magnified by its massive population scale and its level of development relative to advanced economies, especially the United States. Chinese leaders in government, business and academia see the country’s state of development in this field as weak. Numerous sources attest to this. The chapter reviews reform measures, particularly in universities since the Chinese government regards this as the foundation for change. A 2018 study is updated. The chapter notes two trends since then: more attention to artificial intelligence as an important area of education policy for information security; and some embryonic recognition that recourse to foreign talents may have to be a larger part of China’s policy mix than has been acknowledged to date. The country’s education policies in this field recognise some of the issues raised by other chapters in this volume, such as the need for multidisciplinary approaches and more attention to social science approaches, including management and psychology. Yet such influences have not penetrated deeply into China’s education system for cyber security.