“We seek knowledge only because we desire enjoyment, and it is impossible to conceive why a person who has neither desires nor fears, would take the trouble to reason” (Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality). While researching and evaluating library and information science (LIS) journals for this chapter, I approached the challenge with both desire for knowledge as well as fear and trepidation in selecting the most influential LIS journals of the century. The knowledge gained from such a study, however, is valuable for students, educators, and professionals in the field. Previous studies analyzing LIS journals revealed both a proliferation of titles and an increase in the quality of journals in the last quarter century. Thus, choosing the best LIS journals of the century from a universe of over 1,000 titles was daunting. Understandably, any selection of the most influential journals will inevitably be subjective and, hopefully, will stimulate debate.