This chapter explores the temporal lobes, which are critical in understanding and interpreting tonality, sounds, and other auditory information, as well as being important integration centers that allow us to incorporate new information with old information. For each of the four sites, T3, T4, T5, and T6, dysregulation factors and two neurocounseling techniques will be presented, as well as LORETA image activations for each site. T3 neurocounseling techniques, with included step-by-step instructions, are mnemonic devices and closed eyes art. T4 neurocounseling techniques, with included step-by-step instructions, are creating a didgeridoo and use of humor through HumorU. T5 neurocounseling techniques, with included step-by-step instructions, are meditative yoga and martial arts. T6 neurocounseling techniques, with included step-by-step instructions, are memory palace technique and assigning meaning technique (T-chart).