On Thursday se’nnight, the opening of the new Birkenhead hotel, on the opposite shore of the river, was celebrated by a grand public dinner, to which nearly 400 gentlemen sat down at half-past four o’clock. The localities of this festival were assuredly as picturesque and magnificent as we ever witnessed on any occasion. On the bank, to the northward of the house, a very large and elevated tent was erected, beautifully decorated in the inside with ships’ colours and other ornaments. The front of the tent, when extended to the verge of the rocky cliff, washed by the Mersey, was left open, so that all the company had a full view of that magnificent river; the town of Liverpool in all its extent, rising before them like a vast amphitheatre, and all the shipping of the port and river, illuminated by a brilliant sunshine, and diversified in every variety of form and motion.