Passive obedience and non-resistance, united to toiling days and sleepless nights, are his perpetual and unchanging doom, and that of all his compeers. The services of a “boots” are slavish and interminable, however, and deserve to be well remunerated. It would scarcely receive credence, indeed, unless corroborated by facts too notorious to be doubted, that this man, who is only a common porter, possesses considerable pecuniary as well as other influence. The tables in various directions were throughout the morning strewed with the writing cases, driving boxes, papers, and books of gentlemen corresponding; the married very properly devoting the hour to an epistle of love to their wives, and others to their employers, &c. At dinner, being comfortably seated, with the first dish the president, consulting the palates of those around him, orders wine. Sunday, however, usually allows – commencing at a later hour – a longer time for dinner.