The South Eastern Company have brought Pavilionstone into such vogue, with their tidal trains and splendid steam-packets, that a new Pavilionstone is rising up. In New Pavilionstone the authors are a little too much addicted to small windows with more bricks in them than glass, and they are not over-fanciful in the way of decorative architecture, and the authors get unexpected sea-views through cracks in the street-doors; on the whole, however, they are very snug and comfortable, and well accommodated. The lion of Pavilionstone is its Great Hotel. A dozen years ago, going over to Paris by South-Eastern Tidal Steamer, the people used to be dropped upon the platform of the main line Pavilionstone Station, at eleven o’clock on a dark winter’s night, in a roaring wind; and in the howling wilderness outside the station, was a short omnibus which brought the people up by the forehead the instant they got in at the door.