In looking over the various advertised Hotel schemes, one is puzzled to make out how they can be all expected to pay, unless, indeed, the English people are about to change their domestic habits, give up private dwellings, and eat, drink, and sleep altogether in the modern palatial caravanserais. The Great Western, at Paddington, was the prototype of all that followed. The Great Northern, the London-bridge Terminus, the Westminster, and the Grosvenor, at Pimlico, still further exciting a kind of Hotel mania, suggesting the bygone times of Dutch tulips, dahlias, and the famous South Sea speculations. The London Tavern has become a joint-stock hotel. The Alexandra Hotel Company will be a high-class affair, being no other than Wallace’s Hotel, some little distance past St. George’s Hospital, and facing Hyde-park. The mania for great joint-stock Hotels seems to be spreading all over the world.