A few doors on is Grillon’s Hotel, which was honoured by being chosen as the temporary residence of Louis XVIII. during his stay in London, after his recal to the throne of his ancestors. The gout had long had possession of his majesty’s lower extremities, and certainly his majesty could not have come to a worse place than this luxurious establishment for the purpose of getting rid of so troublesome a compagnon de voyage. M. Grillon gave a nod of acquiescence, and the authors were instantly shown to a front apartment just over the street door, which was fortunately supplied with a balcony. The year 1813 may be considered the starting-point of the Club as at present constituted. It will therefore be necessary to give the proceedings of the several meetings held during that year at some length, as they form the foundation of the building which has stood the test of time and public estimation for sixty-four years.