The Hotel Brobdingnag may thus be in Chevy Chase Avenue, W.C.; or in Screech Owl Street, S.W.; or in the Five Fields, Pimlico; or on the Heavy Hill Causeway; or in Saltpetre Street, E.C.; or at the Brill, Somers Town. Wherever there is space available for a looking-glass, huge Venetian mirrors in flamboyant frames meet an eye; and round the sides of the vestibule itself are placed roomy settees and arm-chairs upholstered in crimson morocco. From the ceiling hangs a colossal chandelier of Venetian glass, the very finest that the historic works at Murano could produce; and, it is almost needless to say, the vast establishment is from cellar to roof illumined by the electric light. The Golden Cross, Charing Cross, was also a very commodious inn; but none of these hostelries could properly be called Grand Hotels of the Brobdingnagian pattern.