Since 2004 value-co-creation has been the focus of considerable attention. Hence, understanding the intellectual structure of this construct is becoming increasingly important. This study investigates value-co-creation citations and analyzes its knowledge structure by applying a bibliometric analysis using 506 articles. A multidimensional scaling (MDS) method is used to identify the intellectual structure underlying the value-co-creation. The citation analysis revealed value-co-creation knowledge structure. Afterwards, a possible future conceptual framework is proposed. The future framework highlights five important areas for future research: value-in-use, value-co-creation process, customer-firm interaction, value-creation in service systems and service-dominant-logic. Given the search keywords used for this research, different keywords such as ‘co-creation' could have revealed distinctive MDS results. Future researchers are encouraged to use different terminology for identifying documents. After detecting the dissimilar viewpoints of the value-co-creation, we advance additional objective view on the development of the value-co-creation in the earlier 20 years. This is the first comprehensive article about value-co-creation that offers a general overview of the leading trends.