People the world over depend on electricity for practically all systems of life, from food to education to healthcare. The importance of geography is integral to the function of the electrical grid. Understanding the spatial dimension of electrical systems is essential to maximizing the benefits that humanity gains from greater electricity access and reliability. Geographic information systems (GIS) can provide powerful tools for understanding and managing network assets. This chapter serves as an introduction the applications of geospatial technologies in electrical systems, using an interdisciplinary approach. A strong grasp of geospatial visualization, network analyses, and suitability maps is an appropriate toolkit for solving many geographical problems in the electricity sector. Applications of GIS in electrical systems range from minimizing service interruptions to planning new renewable energy generation, and are discussed in this chapter. GIS is a powerful tool both in the industrialized world and emerging economies, providing contextually appropriate solutions at varying levels of technological availability. The current state of GIS in electrical systems has its limitations related to data quality, data collection, data maintenance, and technical accessibility. Continued openness and democratization of GIS tools and data will surely contribute to increased access and reliability of electricity around the world.